[教學] 如何使用 Pokemon Go 鑑定功能查詢精靈的 IV值 與 屬性!

關於 Pokemon Go 的精靈 IV值 到底好不好,前陣子大家都知道使用非官方的網站查詢,導致官方發現這項非官方的查詢系統,而認定是外掛程式,也有非常多玩家因為使用了這套查詢系統而帳號被永久停權,而昨天 8/24 官方也推出了自己的 PoKemon Go 鑑定功能讓玩家使用與判斷精靈的 IV值 與 屬性 到底好不好,但是這套系統是透過內鑑的三個隊伍隊長來告訴使用者抓到的精靈數值到底好不好,但是很多人看了還是一頭霧水,因為官方的鑑定並沒有確切的 IV值 給使用者參考,不過官方也有相關的評語數值可以讓玩家查詢,接下來就看看該如何查看吧!

00 PokemonGo IV


官方 Pokemon Go 鑑定IV值與屬性教學

▼ 進入遊戲 Pokemon Go 後點選「寶貝球」> 選擇「精靈」。

01 PokemonGo IV 02 PokemonGo IV


▼ 選擇一隻想要評鑑的精靈,進入候選擇右下角選單「APPRAISE」來進行評鑑。

03 PokemonGo IV 04 PokemonGo IV


▼ 剛開始會先跟玩家打招呼並且說出你要評鑑的精靈名字,接下來會告訴使用者精靈的短語「Pretty decent」代表這隻精靈的IV值介於 51.1% – 66.4%。

05 PokemonGo IV 06 PokemonGo IV


▼ 接下來會告訴玩家這隻精靈屬於什麼屬性,像小編這隻精靈就屬於血量型,簡單的說就是血比較多,最後寶可夢隊長也會有最後的分析結論評語。

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▼ 再來會告訴玩家這個精靈的體型屬於什麼Size,小編這隻精靈的體型是 XL 最大隻,不過這個在精靈數值上就可以直接看到了,最後就是跟玩家說謝謝並結束。

09 PokemonGo IV

10 PokemonGo IV


官方 Pokemon Go 鑑定官方對應表(藍隊)

blanche analysis%20%281%29



Phrase 短語 :IV 值範圍
Overall, your (精靈姓名) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!82.2%-100%
(37/45 – 45/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) has certainly caught my attention.66.7% – 80.0%
(30/45 – 36/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) is above average.51.1% – 64.4%
(23/45 – 29/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) is not likely to make much headway in battle.0% – 48.9%
(0/45 – 22/45)



I see that its best attribute is its Attack(攻擊) or HP(血量) or Defense(防禦).

If a Pokemon’s other stats are equal to its best stat, and then followed by…

It is matched equally by its Attack(攻擊)or HP(血量)or Defense(防禦).
Phrase 短語Reason 原因
Its stats exceed my calculations. It’s incredible!Pokemon has perfect IVs in at least one base stat.
I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say.Pokemon has IVs of 13 or 14 in at least one base stat.
Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive.Pokemon has IVs of 8 to 12 in at least one base stat.
Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinionPokemon IVs are below 8 in every base stat.

if it’s large or small…

The size of your (Pokemon Name) is… colossal. This is indeed exceptional. Fascinating!XL
Your (Pokemon Name) is above average in size.Large
Your (Pokemon Name) is below average in size.Small
Your (Pokemon Name) is tinier than any we have on record. Astounding.XS

Blanche leaves you with…

This ends my analysis. Farewell.


官方 Pokemon Go 鑑定官方對應表(紅隊)

candelas appraisal%20%281%29



Phrase 短語 :IV 值範圍
Overall, your (精靈姓名) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!82.2%-100%
(37/45 – 45/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!66.7% – 80.0%
(30/45 – 36/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) is a decent Pokemon51.1% – 64.4%
(23/45 – 29/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) may not be great in battle, but I still like it!0% – 48.9%
(0/45 – 22/45)



Its Attack(攻擊) or HP(血量) or Defense(防禦) is its strongest feature.

If a Pokemon’s other stats are equal to its best stat, and then followed by…

I’m just as impressed with itsAttack(攻擊) or HP(血量) or Defense(防禦).
I’m blown away by its stats. WOW!Pokemon has perfect IVs in at least one base stat.
It’s got excellent stats! How exciting!Pokemon has IVs of 13 or 14 in at least one base stat.
Its stats indicate that in battle, it’ll get the job done.Pokemon has IVs of 8 to 12 in at least one base stat.
Its stats don’t point to greatness in battle.Pokemon IVs are below 8 in every base stat.

if it’s large or small…

Your (Pokemon Name) is gigantic—the largest I’ve ever seen!XL
Your (Pokemon Name) is rather sizable, that’s for sure!Large
Aww, what a small (Pokemon Name)! It’s rather cute, I’d say.Small
Your (Pokemon Name) is so tiny, I almost didn’t notice it!XS

Candela leaves you with…

Hope I was able to help. Take care!


官方 Pokemon Go 鑑定官方對應表(黃隊)

spark analysis



Phrase 評語 :IV 值範圍
Overall, your (精靈姓名) looks like it can really battle with the best of them!82.2%-100%
(37/45 – 45/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) is really strong!66.7% – 80.0%
(30/45 – 36/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) is pretty decent!51.1% – 64.4%
(23/45 – 29/45)
Overall, your (精靈姓名) has room for improvement as far as battling goes.0% – 48.9%
(0/45 – 22/45)



Its best quality is its Attack(攻擊) or HP(血量) or Defense(防禦) .

If a Pokemon’s other stats are equal to its best stat, and then followed by…

Its Attack(攻擊) or HP(血量) or Defense(防禦) is great, too!
Its stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it!Pokemon has perfect IVs in at least one base stat.
Its stats are really strong! Impressive.Pokemon has IVs of 13 or 14 in at least one base stat.
It’s definitely got some good stats. Definitely!Pokemon has IVs of 8 to 12 in at least one base stat.
Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see.Pokemon IVs are below 8 in every base stat.

if it’s large or small…

Your (Pokemon Name) is just HUGE!XL
Your (Pokemon Name) is a BIG one!Large
Your (Pokemon Name) is a little small for its kind, don’t you think?Small
Wh-whoa. That’s the tiniest (Pokemon Name) I’ve ever seen!XS

Spark leaves you with…

That’s what I think! See ya!




